New York State Senate Mental Health Services

Welcome to Allied Wellness Collective, providing mental health counseling services for New York State Senate employees and family members.

Accessing Your Mental Health Services

No Copay for Up to Ten Counseling Sessions

As a NYS Senate employee or family member, you are eligible for employer sponsored counseling services, for up to ten (10) sessions. If you have a NYS Senate provided insurance plan, your co-pay will be covered by your employer for the first ten sessions. If you do not have a NYS Senate provided insurance plan, your employer will cover your first ten sessions in full.

What Happens After My Covered Sessions?

After your first ten sessions, you will have the option to continue services with your counselor, utilizing any insurance plan you may have available; you will be responsible for any co-pay or co-insurance for that plan; or you may choose to pay for services out of pocket, at which time the fee for services will be discussed with a member of our team.

Terms & Expectations for Use of Services

What to Expect When You Reach Out to Us


Complete Your On-boarding Documentation

To confirm your initial appointment, set up your online portal account and complete the on-boarding documentation sent to you via email.

Attend Your Initial Appointment

Once your on-boarding process is complete, you will be able to attend your initial appointment with your assigned counselor. You will work with your counselor directly to schedule any future appointments.

Counseling Areas & Topics Addressed

Crisis & Traumatic Event Intervention Services

As a need for crisis intervention arises, Allied Wellness Collective will compile a crisis intervention team that consists of service providers who have expertise in the area most relevant to the incident. AWC has the ability to customize each response team to meet the needs of the incident. Further, any workforce member will have access to individual or family counseling services following a crisis incident. If you believe there is a need for Crisis & Event Intervention Services, please contact your supervisor or the Senate Office of Personnel.

On-Demand Workshops

Missed a live workshop or educational session? You can view recordings of any programming provided by Allied Wellness Collective any time you want. There are currently no sessions to view, but check back for updates!