Health & Wellness Coaching


Is coaching right for you?

You've tried counseling in the past and felt limited about what you could work on; or maybe you don't want to use insurance or need to have a "diagnosis" assigned to you for addressing some challenges in life.

It could be time to consider coaching. Working with Caitlynn would allow you to identify, address, and solve some of those challenges you're facing in life, without the limits of mental health counseling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Coaches partner with clients who are seeking self-directed, lasting changes that promote overall health and wellness. Coaches display unconditional positive regard and a strong belief in their clients’ capacity for change. Coaching is meant to help identify the distractions and/or excuses that are holding clients’ back, create a plan to minimize them, and work towards unlocking clients’ full potential. It provides the support and accountability needed to gain clarity on what the most important issues are and implement the necessary changes. Coaching focuses on the here and now as well as future goals and visions. Along with the client, step-by-step action plans are created to keep the client achieving smaller victories along the way to the overall goal(s).

The National Wellness Institute (NWI) defines wellness as an active progress through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence. Health and wellness coaching is a growth-promoting partnership that focuses on developing self-efficacy through skills such as goal setting, problem solving, identifying values, and managing cognitive and emotional barriers. Coaching helps support individuals in navigating the unfolding path toward goal attainment, to include adjusting goals, adapting action steps, tracking progress, and overcoming struggles along the way. It creates a safe, nonjudgmental environment to promote change today that your future self will thank you for!.

Goals are individualized to meet the client’s needs. Action plans are put in place the achieve the overall goal(s) of the client. These goals focus on implementing lifestyle changes to promote overall well-being.

We go through life wishing, hoping, waiting impatiently to become an adult. Each milestone birthday is celebrated with extra enthusiasm until we finally hit the age we’ve been longing for. It’s not long before we realize, “Adulting is hard!” The struggles get us down; adulthood is not as glamorous as it once looked. Thoughts haunt us - “why can’t I do that,” “must be nice,” “I could never live that life.” You get the idea.

I have been there. I have experienced a number of curveballs that life had to offer, from a rare illness to experiencing the sudden death of a loved one to raising my first child. That, coupled with my experience in the mental health field, led me to my current pursuit as a health and wellness coach. I am here to focus in on your health, healthy habits, and mindset. Keep reading to find out a little bit more!

Health must be worked on from the inside out. When we feel our best in our bodies, we suddenly feel like we can conquer the world! Let’s work together to create healthy lifestyle habits. Emphasis on lifestyle because, as you all may have experienced, quick fixes don’t work! Along with behavior changes, we want to build a resilient mindset. Creating new habits is challenging and motivation can wash off in the shower. When we work on our mindset, though, we work towards creating consistency, and thus, new ways of being. I’m here to guide, coach, empower, and hold you accountable. You can regain the confidence in yourself through improving your health in order to have the courage to take on life’s obstacles.

My daughter reminded me of the power of being intentional with your words, choices, and mindset. Ms. Sassy pants refuses to say good morning, rather just smiles at us, but will repeat happy day to us. Then we say, “it’s going to be a..” and she says “happy day.”That interaction reminds me that happiness is a choice, it’s not given to us. We choose what kind of day we want to have and when we take a moment to intentionally choose happiness, it allows us to be better manage the stress and struggles that the day may bring. What does happiness even really mean, though? That’s a big question we can talk about when we meet, but one part of happiness I want to work with you on is how you view your interactions with others. Calling all parents, employers, employees, spouses, partners, so on and so forth, let’s work on your mindset about how you interact with those around you! I can go on and on about why this is important, but I will leave it with, those interactions impact your happiness.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Caitlynn

Coaching is not to be considered mental health counseling. It is not intended to address mental health related illnesses or diagnoses. Some coaches may have credentials and/or licenses in mental health counseling and other related fields; however, as coaches, they will not be utilizing their licensed or credentialed authority in coaching sessions. For any mental health concerns, you may reach out to our team of licensed and certified clinicians.

Capital Region


101 State Street,
Suite 202,
Schenectady, NY 12305

Central NY


188 S. 3rd Street,
Fulton, NY 13069

Southern Tier


137 Delaware Street,
Walton, NY 13856

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



